Mental Health

Mental Health

There are times in everyone’s lives when things feel too much, when life begins to overwhelm us emotionally and we need help. At these difficult times we sometimes need someone outside our usual network of family and friends to offer a confidential space to listen and be alongside us as we work things through.

The church has always been a place where people can come along and pray, light a candle and perhaps talk to the Parish Priest. However, churches may not always have the skills to help or be able to offer the right support and understanding and that is why we would like to refer you to the following groups who may be able to offer the help and support you need:


Sussex Mental Healthline 0300 5000 101

Drug and Alcohol Service 0300 303 8677

Relate Relationship Counselling

Victim Support 0808 168 9111

Domestic Abuse 24hr 0808 2000 247

Alcoholics Anonymous GB

LGBT+ Helpline 0300 330 0630

Carers Support West Sussex 0300 028 8888

Child Line 0800 11 11

Rape Crisis 0808 802 9999

Cruse Bereavement Care 0808 808 1677

Papyrus Hopeline UK (prevention of young suicide) 0800 068 4141

National Trans 24 Helpline 0844 358 3204

The Samaritans 116123

Refugee Council 0207 346 6770

Mind For information about mental health

Young Minds Mental health information and help for young people

If you are a young person in crisis then text YM to 85258 – texts are free on most networks



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